Mass burial of a young man shot by a policeman, whose death set fire to France: “Justice is for Nahal!”

Nahil M. , the young man was shot dead for refusing to stop the car he was driving, at the request of a policeman, last Tuesday evening, in Nanterre, he was buried in the early hours of Saturday afternoon in the Muslim space of a cemetery Mount ValerianTo the west of Paris, one of the most iconic places in the political history of France, is experiencing the crisis in the suburbs, the “suburb”, which has afflicted all its large cities.

Based on the requests of the Bishop of Nanterre, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, the highest Islamic religious authority in France, demanded “calm” before the start of the religious ceremony that respects Islamic rituals, by singing the obligatory prayer. Funeral ritual death prayer.

During the funeral of Nahl M *, her family was accompanied by several thousand people, among whom were young Muslim women whose clothes she covered. In the Islamic veil. Throughout the procession, between the Ben Badis Mosque (Abdelhamid Ben Badis, 1889-1940, an Algerian reformist Islamic figure) and the Mount Valérian cemetery, the procession, containing anger, redoubled the chants of “God is great, God! Aqaba!” » (“God is Greatest”) and “Justice is for Nahil.”

The policeman who shot Nael to death is in jail and has been formally charged with first degree murder. This legal decision was not enough to quell the acts of vandalism, violence and fires that have occurred since Tuesday night.

Criticize networks

Insisting that prosecutors and judges must act “quickly and energetically”, Justice Minister Eric Dupont Moretti criticized on Saturday afternoon the families of young “troublemakers” and social networks. Dupont Moretti warned that the legislation allows for punishment Fines exceeding 30,000 euros For parents of minors who do not “control” their children during serious crises. The minister announced possible legal measures against social networks that contribute to “fanning” the fires of social vandalism.

After four consecutive nights of fires, tensions and clashes, France fears the risk of a serious crisis at the end of the week. Public transport will not operate in the suburbs of Paris and other major cities from 9 p.m. Saturday. Galleries and shops have been closed preventively.

The unexpected prolongation of the crisis in the “suburb” suburbs is fueling new parallel crises.

Police unions see themselves as victims of government “misunderstanding”. Small and medium traders meet On the front line in a crisisthe “privileged” victims of arson and vandalism, are demanding tougher police measures to put out social flames, and financial and economic measures to counter extremely fragile economies.

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